Group Rule #5

No Politics, Religion or Conspiracy Theories

Please avoid posts/comments focused on politics, religion, or conspiracy theories; they will be removed. While these topics may be worth discussing, this group is not the appropriate venue. Share your opinions in suitable groups instead. We prioritize fostering a community centered around perceptual illusions without moderating controversial subjects.

Groups have topics

The one for our Facebook group is Illusions

The group topic is not religion, it’s not politics and it’s not conspiracy theories. We decline posts featuring religious and/or political figures, or that contain captions or links to these topics. We also remove these comments.

These can be important conversations, but the Illusions group is not the place for it.  Some people just feel a need to push these topics into everything they do. If I felt that people could be reasonable it would be different but that is not the time we live in. People that insist on posting on these topics will be warned and banned if they continue. 

There are plenty of other groups including illusions related groups that do not have these limitations so you can certainly find a group that suits you or you can start a group yourself and apply your own criteria.