Group Rule #2

Illusions only – Captions encouraged

Must feature a perceptual illusion, not philosophical or esoteric ones. We encourage adding a helpful caption to increase acceptance chances. Not all art, shadows, clouds, or reflections qualify. Drugs themselves aren't illusions, and pareidolia must be clear, obvious, and engaging. Illusions can be subjective; if the illusion isn't apparent, consider including a caption explaining it. Please be specific about the misperception, as this helps both moderators and members understand the illusion.

Keep in mind this is a Facebook Group, if we only accepted:

  1. Posts that moderators consider an illusion
  2. Posts that every members consider an illusion
  3. Posts that professionals in fields related to illusions consider illusions
  4. Completely accurate, well-written captions
  5. Information that is 100% fact-checked
  6. Properly attributed content
  7. Pixel-perfect images with no degradation
  8. Content everyone finds interesting

Well, then absolutely nothing would be accepted. If you want input on group policy you can talk to us about helping to moderate. We try to keep to a mostly illusory theme but keep in mind this is Facebook and a subjective topic. There isn’t a way to please everyone. If you don’t care for the mix of images you can also look into similar groups.