Illusions are misperceptions of reality

Explore these Illusion resources on the web:

Distorted scintillating grid.
This image is a distorted scintillating grid. Can you see the dots flashing in and out at the intersections?

Do You Enjoy Illusions?

We do, If you do too,
consider joining our group.

This Facebook group features 
Family Friendly
Perceptual Illusions.

The group was started on November 7, 2018, since then we have grown to over 600k members.

An illusion is any experience in which the physical reality does not match the perception (or expectation, in the case of cognitive illusions like magic tricks). 

This is not the only description you can find of what is an illusion. There is debate on what an illusion really is and we explore that, but endeavor to keep to primarily perceptual illusion such as visual or auditory.

Note: We can’t please everyone on what we accept people have to many varying ideas on this topic. But, if there is an article listing it as an illusion or someone in a field related to illusions defines it as one we’ll consider posting it. 

We do limit what we accept for a number of reasons, you can read about those in the Group Rules section of this site. You can find more information on rules on Facebook and read more within our Group Guides.