Want to help Moderate?

We are always looking for dedicated members to help moderate our group. Although this is a volunteer role, it is crucial for maintaining the quality and safety of our community.


  1. Membership Duration:
    • Must be a member of the group for at least 3-6 months.
  2. Interaction:
    • Regularly interact with the group through substantive posts and comments.
    • Engage politely with other members and admins.
    • Support civil disagreements with reasoned arguments.
  3. Content Contribution:
    • Post novel and interesting illusions, not just recycled content.
    • Guide observers with insightful comments.
  4. Adherence to Guidelines:
    • Excessive violations (excluding duplicates) may lead to disqualification.

If you are interested in helping out. Let us know!
You can message me on Facebook or send me an email.